Posts tagged Sam Welsh
LISZT | Mephisto Waltz No. 1: mm. 112–15
Piano fingerings for Mephisto Waltz No. 1 by Franz Liszt

“Josef Raieff suggested performing these two measures with the Viennese-style “compression” on Beats 1 and 2. Taking the final notes with the LH is not only a fun bit of choreography, but prevents the student from giving an undesirable accent of beat 3.”

Submitted by Sam Welsh with thanks to Josef Raieff

Published on 3/26/2020

LISZT | Mephisto Waltz No. 1: mm. 460–461
Mephisto.460-61 (Color).png

“Some students may have an easier time distributing these tremolo figures between the hands. At a presto tempo, any lack of coordination between the hands (as written) results in a ragged, jangly version. Alternating between the hands keeps the articulation crisp.”

Submitted by Sam Welsh

Published on 3/26/2020