Posts tagged Oiseaux tristes
RAVEL | Miroirs: Oiseaux tristes: m. 7
Piano fingerings for Oiseaux tristes from Miroirs by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 4/25/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 39, 81.

39: “Example 21 further illustrates the advantage of redistributing a single or recurring note in a passage, whereby the momentum is maintained with a more comfortable fingering.”

RAVEL | Miroirs: Oiseaux tristes: m. 25
Piano fingerings for Oiseaux tristes from Miroirs by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 4/25/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 81.

34: “Divisi fingering can diminish interference between the hands in many measures that have a complex harmonic texture or figuration. Example 16 shows measures…which have in common the necessity for a blend of notes at great speed and at very soft dynamic levels.”