Posts tagged LTdC Toccata
RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 5–8
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 30, 122.

30: “Example 11 illustrates measures from the ‘Toccata’ where repetitive shifts of the thumb can be partially averted with divisi fingering.”

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 11–13
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 37, 122.

37: “Pianists with small hands find that their speed and accuracy are particularly affected by the tension that builds during prolonged passages requiring an extended hand position. The ‘Toccata’ is very challenging for this reason. In Example 18, the left hand can easily help the right hand by sharing the notes on the upper staff.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 21–22
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 122.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 35–39
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 24, 122.

24: “In Example 2, the left hand is conveniently located to play some of the notes on the upper staff so that the right hand remains extended to play the parallel chords.”

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: m. 41
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 123.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: m. 50
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 123.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: m. 74
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 123.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 76–80
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 37, 44, 123.

37: “Pianists with small hands find that their speed and accuracy are particularly affected by the tension that builds during prolonged passages requiring an extended hand position. The ‘Toccata’ is very challenging for this reason. In Example 18, the left hand can easily help the right hand by sharing the notes on the upper staff.”

44: “In Example 26 the use of the fifth finger is generally avoided so that every note can be more easily played at a fortissimo dynamic.”

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: m. 154
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 123.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 167–68
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 123.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 173–75
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 46, 123.

46: “The passage shown in Example 29 is yet another illustration of the way divisi fingering can give speed and clarity to repeated notes. In these measures, facility is increased when the left hand plays every other group of two repeated notes; the right hand then has more time to find the dominant-seventh chord positions”

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 192–93
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 124.

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 196–97
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 42, 124.

42: “When dividing the notes in the measures of the next example (Example 23), the jumps notated on the upper staff will not affect the rhythmic momentum of the passages.”

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: mm. 200–1
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 42, 124.

42: “When dividing the notes in the measures of the next example (Example 23), the jumps notated on the upper staff will not affect the rhythmic momentum of the passages.”

RAVEL | Le Tombeau de Couperin: Toccata: m. 238
Piano fingerings for Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 5/5/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 124.