RAVEL | Gaspard de la nuit: Ondine: mm. 23–24

Piano fingerings for Ondine from Gaspard de la nuit by Maurice Ravel

SPECIAL COLLECTION | Dorothy Brandwein’s Ravel Fingerings

Published on 4/28/2022 with the author’s permission

First appeared in Dorothy Woster Brandwein, "Divisi Fingering in Selected Passages from Ravel's Solo Piano Works" (DMA diss., University of Missouri–Kansas City, 1981), 54, 94.

54: “The rolled chords in Example 38 must all be played quickly so they do not disturb either the rhythmic pulse or the phrasing. In each case, divisi fingering eliminates the wide stretch required of one hand. Example 38 illustrates how the notes in each rolled chord may be shared by both hands. The notes of the rolled chords in "Ondine" are especially easy to blend at a soft dynamic level….”